Join the Holiday Gratitude Challenge

Set the intention of having a spirit of gratitude this holiday season.

Join the Holiday Gratitude Challenge

* indicates required

How it works:

4 emails delivered to your inbox. 1 each Thursday of December 2018. Simple reminders to say "thank you" to people in your life.

Each Thursday, choose a few people to whom you feel grateful and tell them so.

Methods of communication:
1) Text
2) Phone call
3) In person
4) Email
5) Facebook post
6) Handwritten letter/card
7) Paperless Post or another virtual card

What to say?

  • Thank you for being my friend.
  • Thank you for listening.
  • I'm grateful you're in my life.
  • I'm grateful to know you.
  • Thank you for that favor ______.
  • Thank you for being you.
  • I'm grateful for your love.
  • So many more. Keep it simple!

Done is better than perfect. If we wait to say the perfect thing, we may never find it and it will be left unsaid. Better to say it imperfectly than not at all.


Recipe: Sugar-Free Pumpkin or Winter Squash Pie


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