“This feeling of adventure definitely does not come from events: I have proved it. It's rather the way in which the moments are linked together. I think this is what happens: you suddenly feel that time is passing, that each instant leads to another, this one to another one, and so on; that each instant is annihilated, and that it isn't worth while to hold it back, etc., etc. And then you attribute this property to events which appear to you in the instants; what belongs to the form you carry over to the content. You talk a lot about this amazing flow of time but you hardly see it. You see a woman, you think that one day she'll be old, only you don't see her grow old. But there are moments when you think you see her grow old and feel yourself growing old with her: this is the feeling of adventure.” ― Jean-Paul Sartre, Nausea


The main goal of this project is to go on dates and find a partner—a “Soul Mate” type of partner: someone with shared values and dreams.

Here’s what I’m seeking in a partner.

The goal that encompasses that goal is to enjoy the romance of train travel, of Europe, to nourish my inner child’s sense of wonder and adventure, and to enjoy the journey.

Other intentions:

  • stay curious

  • cultivate gratitude

  • make solid plans but be flexible and go with the flow

  • talk to strangers

  • prioritize staying in and working at (coworking offices, for example) places where I can meet and talk to people


I will be spending several nights in each city on my route and setting up dates in those cities. I will be soliciting referrals for men to date from my friends primarily and using dating apps secondarily when there are no referrals.

I will share with my dates about my intentional project and let them choose how anonymous or not they want to be when I create content, potentially inviting them to share their experience dating. I’m interested in meeting people for conversations in which I can learn and be curious. I want to hear people’s stories.


In development