How to Make Vegetable Stock From Scratch

Even though my brother had been telling me for years that I needed to start making vegetable stock from scratch, it took me until last year to do the damn thing. And let me tell you: it was so easy and rewarding that I have no idea what took me so long!

I subscribed to a CSA (community-supported agriculture) box of vegetables that I picked up every other week in Boston. The farm I subscribed to was Brookfield Farm in Amherst, MA.

Throughout the week, as I would make meals with the vegetables in the box, I would save the unused ends and pieces and store them in the refrigerator. Then, every two weeks, I would use them to make vegetable stock.

Vegetable Stock Recipe


  • Any vegetables or vegetable leftovers

    • Especially ones that are wilted or that you’re not going to eat fresh

That’s it!


  • Throw them all into a giant pot of boiling water and let simmer for 1+ hour

  • Scoop out the vegetable pieces

  • Pour the vegetable stock into jars and let cool on the counter

  • Store in the refrigerator and use within 1-2 weeks (could maybe push it to 3 weeks

So easy, right? And it feels great to not let anything go to waste. I always had more than I could use and gave some to my neighbors, friends, and relatives.


  • Rice stock

  • Pasta stock

  • Soup base

  • Curries and stews

  • Any savory recipe where you would normally use water

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