My physical, mental, and emotional benefits being sugar free the past 2.5 years


  • Stronger fingernails. My entire life I've had brittle nails with divets in them. I tried all the different eating fads to fix my nails but nothing worked...until I quit sugar. 2.5 years later and I have divet-free healthy, strong fingernails.

  • Afternoon slump = gone. I used to barely be able to keep my eyes open sitting at my desk in the afternoon, which was not good for my productivity, nor my work integrity. I would often leave the office to buy cookies around 3 pm, the only thing that could lift me out of a mental fog. Unfortunately, it was a short-term fix. Pretty soon I'd need more sugar again.

  • Lost 24 lbs. Went from 174 lbs on Jan 1, 2016, the start day of giving up sugar, to 146 lbs two years later.

  • Clearer head = more motivation to exercise. With the food addiction gone, I can focus on bigger training goals. Right now I'm working on increasing my running speed and am running faster than ever.

  • Quicker recovery time from workouts.

  • I know when I feel full and my body rejects junk/overeating. I used to be dissociated from my body. I could inhale a box of cookies and not know how it happened. Since quitting sugar and practicing regular yoga, I am in touch without my body feels, no longer able to stuff myself.

  • I don't get sick. Since quitting sugar 2.5 years ago, I've had one 3-day flu while traveling abroad and one 2-day cold in total. My immune system feels strong. Sometimes I feel a cold coming on but my body fights it off quickly. (I also get 7-8 hours of sleep each night and drink only 1-2 alcoholics drinks a month on average, which I think also helps).

  • Active lifestyle. Instead of meeting friends for food, drinks, or ice cream, I meet them for hikes, runs, or yoga classes. This is a life that feels good!


  • No brain fog. (see above)

  • No fixating on sugar.

  • Have lost that irritable edge that comes from food addiction.

  • Can focus for longer periods of time. Especially on things like reading books and doing work.


  • No more rollercoaster of feelings. I had been eating sugar to stuff my emotions. Once I gave up sugar, I finally had to work on emotional resilience.

  • I know what I'm feeling and when. I can label my feelings and I know what they feel like in the body.

  • People can be my attachments instead of food. Now that I've worked on emotional resiliency and healed some wounds, I'm able to form healthy attachment bonds with humans instead of with food.



Recipe: sugar-free mango yogurt ice cream


Recipe: Sugar-free frozen coconut pecan cookies