Recipe: crispy potato tacos


  • Small corn tortillas
  • Potatoes (red, blue, russet, sweet, whatever you want!)
  • Olive oil
  • Seasonings: salt, pepper, cayenne, garlic powder
  • Optional: soy chorizo

First make the potatoes. Chop them and keep skins on. Steam them until soft about 15 mins. Then stir over heat with olive oil for a few mins. Add seasonings to taste.Optional: add soy chorizo to potatoes and stir to mix (they're delicious both ways)Then heat up the tortillas. I heat mine over the flame on the stove top, 20 seconds or so on each side.Put the potato mush in the tortilla and roll up (as pictured).Heat up a skillet with cooking oil of choice. I used olive oil but "you're not supposed to fry in olive oil" so whatever. Use coconut oil if you want.Put rolled up tacos in the skillet and fry on each side until crispy.Serve with hummus.


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