The fastest, easiest meal: 3 ingredient tacos

When I've let myself get very hungry and have no patience to cook a meal, I make simple corn-tortilla tacos in 5 minutes.I put small corn tortillas over the burner on the stove for 20 seconds each side until they're warm and bendy. Or I put them in the toaster oven for a few minutes.Here are some of my go-to's:

  • Shredded cheese, spinach, shredded carrots
  • Shredded cheese, lettuce, tomatoes
  • Hummus, arugula, avocado
  • Tahini dressing, avocado, greens

This is summer squash (takes just 10 minutes to cut and steam), arugula, and tzatziki sauce (had prepared sauce in advance)Egg, tomato, tahini dressingSoy chorizo, shredded cheese, spinach


Recipe: Chia Seed Fat Bomb


Recipe: caprese salad (tomato, basil, mozzarella cheese)