Try this one simple practice to turn around a bad mood or day

This activity is one I learned from my first life coach Christina Berkley

Here's the practice. Are you ready? It's super simple:

  • Keep a running list of all the compliments you receive. 
  • Look at the list when you feel bummed out.

That's it!

The logistics:

  • Keep a list on your phone and save them there as they come in
  • Then create a master list on Google Drive or on your computer
  • Maybe even print it out for easy access

Here's my guide on reversing a shame spiral. After you've realized you're in one, try viewing this list of good things to further rerverse your negative thoughts. 

I have one with all the nice things people have said about my coaching. Maybe you have one with positive reviews from work. Or kind messages in birthday cards from over the years.

Whatever you put in your list, it's important that you:

  • Add to the list regularly and consistently, even if you don't feel like it (just do it)
  • Have the list available for easy access. When we have dark moments, the best tools are the easiest ones to do since we're not at full rational capacity. 


People kept telling me to read this one book. It took me 32 years. Reading it changed everything.


Are you willing to be embarrassingly bad at something before you're good?