5 healthy substitutes for your favorite desserts

Why are fruits better to eat than sugar cane or other refined added sweeteners?

  • Fruits have micronutrients (vitamins and minerals).
  • Fruits have fiber helping us both feel full and with healthy digestion. When we feel full, we know when to stop eating.
  • Sugar gives us "empty calories": calories without micronutrients or fiber. This contributes to weight gain and metabolic syndrome.

1. Ice cream --> frozen fruit ice cream

Click here for "Mango yogurt ice cream recipe">>

2. Cookies --> Cookies made with blended banana or dates substituted for sugar cane

3. Brownies --> Squash (the vegetable!) chocolate brownies

4. Chocolate --> Lily's stevia-sweetened chocolate bar (sold at Whole Foods and other grocery stores)

5. Candy --> A piece of fruit

  • Dates with almond butter
  • Apple or pear with cashew butter
  • An orange or tangerine
  • Grapes
  • Frozen berries


Recipe: "Goddess style" tahini salad dressing


Recipe: sugar-free mango yogurt ice cream